When Buster was found, he had HUNDREDS of scars on his back, legs, and head, and was missing an eye. He must have had a very tough life, yet we could only imagine… Was he used as a bait dog?  Was he a fighter? Did he get tangled up with a Mexican raccoon (known as a Kudamundi), or a bobcat? No one knew and we will never know. Buster was dumped/found living at a “county club” near Guadalajara, Mexico in 2018, and lived under the watchful eye of the groundskeepers at the golf course until he was able to come north. Despite all that he had endured in his past, they said Buster was the sweetest dog, deserving of his second chance, and he never lost his faith for finding a forever home.

Today, his name is Scoob and his mom/dad say, “We could not feel luckier that he chose us to be his forever family. What a once in a lifetime dog! We’ve never met a dog with such character. He turned into a big goofball. We live traveling from place to place so he is an RV dog now. Driving around is his favorite thing (especially since he travels on a queen size bed). So far, he has seen the great Lake Tahoe, hiked the Alps in Northern California, been all over Oregon, and we are now headed to Washington State for a winter on the bay. We all have our fingers and paws crossed for a trip to Alaska next year.”