Capo was estimated to be about 7 years old when he was rescued off the streets of Puerto Vallarta. He was full of tumors – over his eye, his back and neck. Those who rescued him call it a miracle that he’d made it that far. Capo was a survivor, and despite his terrible circumstances was happy, loving to everyone and good with other dogs. We knew that he would require an experimental surgery and time to heal before he could find his forever home.  Nobody knew for sure how things would turn out for Capo until he got to the United States in April 2021.

“Capo was my very first foster dog, and arrived with an oronasal fistula and a ‘leaky cheek’ from a salivary gland that had been cut.  He also had lots of scars, some received while getting treatment for  TVT (a type of common cancer spread amongst stray dogs in Mexico) and others from his tough life on the street. It was clear he needed a long term foster, or even a “fospice” if the surgery didn’t go well. We quickly fell in love with Capo, and I couldn’t imagine him going to anybody else after we were there to hold him while getting his teeth pulled, months of antibiotics and recovery from surgery.

After we cared for him for 3 long months we made it official and adopted him, and have been so thrilled to be his family. Capo has always had so much joy for life, and loves everyone he meets (human and furry). He always entertains us with his antics, and has been a blessing to our other foster dogs who look to him for calm guidance. He is the happiest little trail dog, and loves hiking, sunbathing, cuddling, and is obsessed with anything soft. We wish he could tell us stories about all he has endured, but since he can’t, we tell him instead how handsome he is and how much we love him. He takes up so much space in our hearts, and we are so lucky to have Capo be our boy with Street Dog Hero and those who have helped him along the way!” – Capo’s mom